Monday, May 9, 2011

Reflections of AED 200

From this course, I was expecting to learn about art and all its different forms and styles.  All in all, I'd say I have a much better grasp on art and art history.  I can recognize many different artists now and the styles they paint in.  Overall, I think my expectations were met, although I wish I had more artwork to show for it!

Originally, I thought art was, literally, "almost anything as long as someone has an open mind."  That thought process has not changed.  One thing that really cemented that thought into my mind was learning about Fountain - the fact that a urinal submitted to an art show so profoundly influenced art history is astounding.  It is evidence towards proving that, yes, almost anything can be considered art with an open mind.

My favorite artist in the beginning of the class was Claude Monet.  Although I still enjoy his work, my new favorite artist is Lovis Corinth.  They are both impressionist painters, but for some reason, I really connected with Corinth's style of painting.  The obvious love he had for his wife and children was evident in his paintings and even his landscapes he painted after his stroke were still beautiful.  I also really loved Ed Moses' work, an artist I discovered at the Albright Knox.  His piece Blue Velvet was the most interesting piece I saw in person through the entire semester.  Though simple, I love the colors and patterns that are evident in his work.

I thought taking an online course was a good experience, but I am glad to be done with it, as I am for all of my other classes.  I must admit, it was not as simple as "laying in my cozy bed."  I didn't expect there to be so much "busy work."  I really enjoyed doing the actual drawing, painting, sketching, critiquing, and art gallery visits, but I feel as though most of the time I spent in the course was watching the video reviews which I didn't value as much - I'm sure this is a fairly common answer!

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